INTRODUCTION AEDF Private Wealth Management Ltd, (AEDF) is a company incorporated in 125 Roman Road, London, E2 OQN, Corporate number: United Kingdom Registered: 12696301, with a registered office in. & AEDF Asset Management Trading Ltd 18 King Street East, Suite 1400 Toronto,, Ontario, Canada M5C1C4 Registered: 1000474432 developing a Trading Platform and a multilateral Fund to provide financing for the development of the emerging economies projects. The financing structures will fill an important gap in an orderly manner and will be tailored specifically to each country being funded, with the objective of contributing to the economic growth, community empowerment, social progress, banking, tourism, infrastructure improvements, and other essential developments.
AEDF provides investment and financial advisory services to companies predominantly in the middle market, as well as high-net worth or sophisticated investors and Governments in the Emerging Economy. Our clients may be involved or interested not only in traditional markets including equity and property, but also innovative and fast growth SME’s, commercial technology development Infrastructure development and transfer
AEDF works with an established network of Global Prime Banks and private financial institutions to provide clients and partners underwriting and leverage capabilities, along with a portfolio of client assets to provide liquidity to meet the needs of the targeted financial structures
AEDF would be interested in joint venturing the formation of a funding vehicle to co-finance the pipeline of projects that BBVI has, expand the acquisition of clients, and acquire a significant portfolio of assets under management. By combining the existing resources of the two entities, AEDF proposes the formation of a Global “B Fund” to deploy senior securities, using credit lines provided by the sponsor financial institutions, which AEDF will bring to the venture, establish leverage trade structures for each target project within the sponsor’s trading desk. AEDF proposes working with BBVI’ s infrastructure to fund projects that will be collectively brought to the venture.
INTRODUCTION TO GLOBAL B-FUND: - A “B-FUND” is a fund that is establish via contract with a financial institution as a subordinate account to the financial institution’s primary fund. The contractual mechanism is a Bank Acting As Contract (BAAC). It operates as a bank account which gives the B-Fund the following benefits.
Domicile of the fund is based on the location chosen and governed by its jurisdiction but can deploy globally. AEDF would propose jointly selecting the fund’s jurisdiction to maximum liquidity of the fund and providing for optimal tax benefits. AEDF is of the opinion that a strong European location, such as; Zurich, Luxembourg, Malta (+ -) – where there is the double currency benefit is advantageous. Alternatively, Singapore pivots off the US Dollar with tremendous access to liquidity in the Asian markets. The Bahamas may be an alternative, but with liquidity challenges the territory in currently experiencing, this would be a steeper climb to achieve the desired end-result.
PURPOSE OF THE B-FUND – This vehicle gives the fund the ability to take-in and manage client assets for the purpose of project funding as per international bank regulations. The B-Fund contract would give the Fund the ability to charge clients administrative fees and a participate in the profits from the project-based trading activities undertaken with the sponsor institution’s trading desk. A basic example would be the management of a mutual fund (as a sub-fund to the Global B-Fund);
Commercial finance is notoriously difficult to arrange especially when the company does not have any perceived assets and the funding is required to trade. At Alternative Economical Development Fund, ‘AEDF’ we aim to place each individual transaction before Financiers who assess the profitability of the transaction rather than using traditional methods based on creditworthiness alone.
Commercial finance is notoriously difficult to arrange especially when the company does not have any perceived assets and the funding is required to trade. At Alternative Economical Development Fund, ‘AEDF’ we aim to place each individual transaction before Financiers who assess the profitability of the transaction rather than using traditional methods based on creditworthiness alone.