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A Global Network

EUROPE – AEDF Fixed Income activities are centered in the United Kingdom with London as the main hub for these activities. The specialized areas in structuring of Fixed Income Assets particularly in the are of Aviation Portfolio for aircraft leasing and Financial Asset Balance Sheet management are conducted through associated partnerships on a project basis. Given the recent fallout of Financial Institutions failures post 2008, Lynx have been also involved in the acquisition, restructuring and management of distressed financial assets complimented by advisory and legal services through this structure.

SEGREGATED PORTFOLIOS - For the purposes of differentiating the assets under management, numerous Segregated Portfolio Companies within AEDF were incorporated to warehouse different asset classes and further divided by time-zones and business sectors and sub-sectors. The structures were further augmented by Corporate Services and Advisory structures set up to source, engage and walk the ground with investors, Corporate and entrepreneurs alike. That these structures further extends into Professional Legal, Audit, Taxation services is further proof that is reflective of the Lynx’s philosophy – know your potential partners and counter-parts like you know yourself, engage them honestly, sincerely to work a partnership that span the whole value chain from the upstream chain down to the downstream with a robust financial matrix overlay that brings sound financial balance sheet to the business.

Over the years, most of the trading volumes were geared towards transactions to hedge and enhance underlying values, therefore a lot of the accounts established were with Prime Brokers, Futures / Securities Houses, Institutions with Derivatives Trading Desks and daily volumes then were in excess of hundreds of million United States Dollars equivalent. With the revamp, volume was no more the emphasis and instead, the focus was toward quality value assets acquired for the medium to long haul where the best exponential returns are. These are then further reinforced by a strong fund balance sheet substantiated by quality financial assets further wrapped with well rated insurance cover.

Another area of focus going forward in the new Financial Year is Renewable Green Energy sector to eventually pare down and replace our current portfolio of Energy Oil & Gas investments. Our focus on life changing Technologies with strong emphasis on material science will also enhance our 


Sophia Cameron

Debt Instrument

Debt Instrument

Debt instruments are typically agreements where a financial institution agrees to loan a borrower money in exchange for set payments of principal and interest over a set period. Debt instruments typically involve loans, mortgages, leases, notes, and bonds. Basically, anything that obliges a borrower to make payments based on a contractual arrangement is a debt instrument. Debt instruments can be secured or unsecured. Secured debt involves placing an underlying asset (like property) as security for the loan where, through legal process, the lender can take possession of the underlying asset if the borrower stops making payments. Unsecured debt is based only on the borrower’s promise to pay. If a business files for bankruptcy, creditors take priority over investors. Within the creditors, secured creditors take priority over unsecured creditors.

George Vernon

Equity Instruments

Equity Instruments

Equity instruments are papers that demonstrate an ownership interest in a business. Unlike debt instruments, equity instruments cede ownership, and some control, of a business to investors who provide private capital to a business. Stocks are equity instruments. Two main types of stocks exist. The first type is preferred stock. The second type is common stock. Businesses issue stock in shares and, typically, the greater the amount of shares a single investor possesses, the greater the ownership interest in the company. Equity holders incur greater risk than debt holders because equity holders do not enjoy priority in a bankruptcy proceeding. However, equity holders earn greater returns if the business succeeds. Where credit instruments provide set payments over a set time period, equity instruments typically provide a variable return based on the business' success. Therefore, if the business does extraordinarily well, equity investors may see a much healthier return than creditors.

Theresa Simmons

Private Placement Advantages

Private Placement Advantages

Private placements present the following advantages:

1. Long Term
Private placements provide longer maturities than typical bank financing, at a fixed-interest rate. This is ideal for when a business is presented with a growth opportunity where they wouldn’t see the return on their investment right away; a business would have more time to pay back the private placement while having certainty of financing cost over the life of that investment.
Also, private placements are typically "buy-and-hold," so the company would benefit from having a long-term relationship with the same investor throughout the life of the financing.

2.Speed in Execution
The growth and maturity of the private placement market has led to improved standardization of documentation, visibility of pricing and terms, increased capacity for financings as well as overall increase of size and depth of the market ($10MM - $1B+). Thus, the private placement market fosters an environment that allows for quick execution of an investment, generally within 6-8 weeks (for the first transaction. Follow-on financings can be executed within a shorter time frame).


Max Francis

Financing solution
  • Additionally, it is typically faster to issue a private placement versus a corporate bond in the public market because the issuer is not required to expend time and resources creating a prospectus and registering with the SEC.

"Private Placements can complement existing bank debt versus compete with it."

  • Complement to Existing Financing
    Private placements also help diversify a company’s sources of capital and capital structure. Since the terms can be customized, private placements can complement existing bank debt versus compete with it and can allow a company to better manage its debt obligations. Diversification of funding sources is particularly important during market cycles when bank liquidity may be tight.

    Private placements enable privately-held, middle-market companies and public companies to access capital just as they would with an underwritten public debt offering, but without certain requirements, such as ratings, registrations, or minimum size. And for public companies, private placements can offer superior execution relative to the public bond market for small issuance sizes as well as greater structural flexibility.

Privacy and Control
Private placement transactions are negotiated confidentially. Also, public disclosure requirements are limited, compared to those found in the public market. Companies would not be beholden to public shareholders

some of our consultants that are around the world that will guide you through the process 

Our highly qualified experts will complete any task fast and reliably.

We guarantee fast and discrete handling of all your business tasks. Our team of highly qualified employees is available day and night – because your satisfaction is our highest priority.


AEDF has developed a more effective consulting approach that comes from the growing frustrations of many clients who have not received effective consulting. Our consulting method stems from our experience supervising beginning consultants and from the many conversations and associations we have had with consultants and clients in our field of work worldwide. These experiences allow AEDF to take a more holistic approach in addressing and clarifying our client’s needs. When clarity about purpose exists, both parties are more likely to handle the engagement process satisfactorily.


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                                          We are a member of the United Nations Vendor and Procurement Services